Russell Armstrong: Letter to the Editor of The Reflector

I read your front page article on the January 22 issue titled “Rising number of Public Camping bans concerns local advocates”. While I can appreciate their concerns, I too like many people I know are concerned and dismayed to see the proliferation of homeless encampments on public properties. Even more worrisome to me is the proposed HB1380 by Mia Gregerson of Seattle attempting to legalize tent cities in Washington.

As a tax-paying citizen who always votes I feel my rights are being compromised every time I encounter a camper or group of campers squatting on street corners, freeway access, sidewalks, parks or wherever they feel fit to flop. They not only deny or restrict public access to the spaces they illegally claim but invariably sully it with trash, stolen grocery carts, human waste and makeshift shelters that are nothing but eyesores. I find this disgraceful, disgusting, demeaning and completely disheartening.

The issue goes deeper yet inasmuch as the effect on property values and the citizens rights to quiet and peaceful possession of their property. As our friends in Portland recently experienced an encampment of both disabled motor homes, trailers and tents invaded their family neighborhood, blocked the sidewalks, dumped their garbage on the streets, on lawns and created a huge public nuisance. Children could no longer walk to the school bus stop. Residents could no longer use the sidewalks. This is clearly unacceptable. Here in Vancouver there are documented accounts of campers flopping on residents front porch using drugs all caught on security cameras. Other homeowners have complained of campers entering their gardens, stealing the crops and urinating in their yards.

The July 2024 decision by the Supreme Court (Martin v Boise) made it very clear that cities and municipalities have a right to deny public camping. Clark County and the cities in Clark County have laws specifically prohibiting public camping between 6:30 AM and 9:30 PM which are, obviously not being enforced. One need only drive around Clark County and you’ll find a multitude of infractions, none more egregious than Vancouver. Not only have the campers set up de-facto neighborhoods but have done so with semi-permanent structures on sidewalks, along fences, under overpasses and wherever else they happen to land.

I implore you, the residents, home-owners, business owners; what has happened to your pride of ownership? Have you advocated your responsibility to maintain safe clean and prosperous cities in exchange for some misguided belief that allowing this squalor absolves you of guilt? WE, the citizens who own properties, businesses, hold jobs, pay taxes are choosing to allow this. Is this what you want to see every day? Isn’t it time to stand up and say NO MORE? I urge you to fight back, reach out to your legislators, join the non-profit “Clark County Matters”, speak up. Your community is a reflection of you. Please make it as pleasant as it can be.

Sincerely concerned,
Russell Armstrong